Sphinx_smallThe Sphinx and the Books (Writing from the project brochure)
Oedipus, the Sphinx and the Books (Christopher Madden)
A written conversation about the Sphinx and the Books (Britt Jurgensen and Tim Jeeves)
Extracts from a broadcasted VIVA (oral examination) about the Sphinx (Gary Anderson and Lorena Rivero de Beer)

Rewire yourself_smallRe-wire Yourself (Mute Magazine, http://www.metamute.org/editorial/articles/rewire-yourself)
A review of the Rewire conference



Soap_smallA Soap Box (Trashing, Dance Theatre Journal, co-edited by João Florêncio and Owen Parry)
A performative trash poem in the form of a Soap Box



ethno techno_smallGuillermo Gómez-Peña: ethno-techno politics (Guillermo Gómez Peña and Lorena Rivero de Beer Edited by Janis Jefferies Maria Chatzichristodoulou and Rachel Zerihan, Ashgate, 2009)
A critical exploration of some of Guillermo Gómez-Peña’s poems.



Marina_smallThe Free Totalitarian Zone: Marina Abramovic Presents…. Provocations, musings and questions (with Lena Simic in in Body Space Technology Journa, http://people.brunel.ac.uk/bst/vol0901/riverodebeer/home.html)


creating alt networks_smallArtArtArt Magazine
September 2009: Thinking of Art and Generosity: The Case of the Institute for the Practice of Art
March 2009 Who Do You Think You Are? A Workshop by Franko B. www. artartartgallery.com
November 2008 The Other Histories of Art: An Interview with Argentinian Curator Gabriela Salgado.
September 2008 La Pocha Nostra and the Creation of Alternative Networks.